Sunday, September 27, 2015

Congratulations! Your Son Is A Pansy

I don't get this new series of TV commercials by GE. Do you? Please explain it to me. The whole series revolves around stereotypical cliches about engineers/nerds. You can't lift a hammer. You aren't writing cools apps. Etc. Etc. 
The secret sauce of any advertisement / commercial is that it taps... somehow... the aspirations of the target audience. So tell me, who is the target audience? What is their aspiration? For me, this ad does nothing but diminish high intelligence people, thus elevating those of average-to-low intelligence. Tell me, who do you want engineering the car you drive to work in the morning. Someone who can lift a heavy hammer or someone who can wield a mean slide rule? This is the essence of Radical Center.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Be Slightly Adventurous has chosen to appeal to the sloth in you. You could travel to Ireland to soak up the fascinating culture and trace your roots OR you could visit your loudmouth annoying Irish cousin in Boston.

Hotwire suggests you do the latter. Radical Center much?

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Let MTV Inside You!

Ah, Rock & Roll, it rots your brain. Mom and Dad said so. It has been fashionable to rail against the leading edge of culture since The Tower of Babel, certainly since Noah and the Ark. 

But, when the leading edge of culture rails against itself... well, that's Radical Center at it's best. Once again we're reminded of Radical Center's mission to make citizens in a culture selfishapathetic, and non-judgmental. Just like I said in my post, Billy Joel vs Adam Hamilton, deconstruction is the path to confusion and confusion is the doorway to apathy. At least MTV admits its goal in this commercial that aired during MTV's 2015 Video Music Awards.

"You are a series of electrical impulses contained in a meatsack. MTV is a series of letters that used to stand for words. ... Your desires will never be fulfilled. That's the function of desire. Give away a quarter of what you own and let MTV inside you."

"Selfishapathetic, and non-judgmental..." Does that describe a generation you know?